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Clinical Information Power Stories People Spotlight

Power Story: Stephen Zuravel


Stephen Zuravel, Handcyclist | High-Spirited | Ambitious. Stephen is an associate at Top End and an avid handcyclist. He is most grateful for the opportunity to experience life and strongly believes in embracing life even when it is most difficult. Since beginning his disability journey, Stephen has been able to put Invacare's motto and tagline into practice.

Power Story: Kelly Hanlin

kelly-cover-photo.jpgKelly Hanlin, Explorer | Volunteer | Advocate | Motivation. Kelly is a lifelong Invacare Power Wheelchair starting at the age of two and a half. Before the end of the year, Kelly will be transitioning to an Invacare Invacare® AVIVA® Storm RX™! She is an avid animal lover and has volunteered as a docent at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium for the past 10 years. One day in the not-too-distant future, Kelly hopes to become a resource for individuals and their families in similar situations to her own. Wherever her endeavors lead, her main goal is to make a positive difference in people’s lives like scores of others have done for her.

Power Story: Anthony Lue

Anthony Lue, Athlete | Speaker | Student | Model.
 Anthony uses a manual wheelchair paired with the Alber™ SMOOV® one power assist. Anthony is a student at the University of Arizona, where he is studying Rehabilitation Management and competing in their handcycling program. He is most interested in finding ways to make our world more accessible.

Invacare Ambassador, Ian Mackay, plans to set a Guinness World Record


Ian Mackay, an Invacare TDX SP2 Power Wheelchair user,
plans to set a Guinness World Record for the most miles traveled in a wheelchair within a 24-hour period.